A New Beginning

Posted on Sep 3, 2020

Ah, my first blog!

This absurd idea of mine – of writing a blog, has been haunting me since my school days. But several factors kept me away from writing one. This included my ardent desire to remain unnoticed (call it lack of confidence, shyness or whatever πŸ˜…), lack of certainty (of literally everything! What am I supposed to write? Am I capable of convincing others through my blogs? But whom should I write to? Who would be my audience? Wait! Will I get an audience? Should I be surprised if I am the only one to read my blogs?), etc.

To be honest, with all these factors in my head, I found it very difficult to write. So I kept on keeping things aside and got engaged in other works – for years. But I hardly knew that the pandemic would change my mind someday.

To be alone is painful. Even if you consider yourself reticent or introverted, the desire to be loved and accepted is almost inescapable. I believe that the pandemic and the subsequent lockdown for months gave us plenty of time to reflect upon and to think about these matters. It taught us many crucial lessons – including the helplessness of human race. No matter what, we never learn from our mistakes and the world will be the same bad place. But one should never lose hope. Some fantasies are worth having.

I am still wondering what my blogs should be about. I love to philosophize a lot. So, maybe I should write about philosophy – or atleast my perspective on various philosophical matters (you don’t have be Bertrand Russell to do that). I also equally enjoy writing technical articles. Trust me, I would try not to disappoint you. Hmm, maybe I should write both! Besides, contrary to what I’ve said at the beginning, I am least worried about the number of readers I get. In the end, it doesn’t matter how many readers you get, what matters is to do your part – to write.