through the looking glass I see a world both familiar and new

A Gentle Introduction to Maxima (CAS)

A Computer Algebra System is a piece of software that would help you compute various problems that you encounter in Mathematics or Engineering. You could think of it as an advanced scientific calculator that could perform integration, solve your differential equations and much more. However, CAS can never be a substitute for a mathematician (It only does the boring stuff. Contrary to the popular belief, math has got little to do with computation).…
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On Friendship, Irritation and Life!

It’s a bliss to be surrounded by people whom you love. How irritating would it be to get messages all day long (why wouldn’t the other person just stop texting?) and then all of a sudden someone (whom you might have studied with) calls you, goes on to speak for an hour – on various matters that you are least interested in and somehow at some point of time you run out of topic, you expect a halt, but your friend would never stop, adds a couple of his other friends to the line, speaks for yet another hour on what the ruling party has done to the country – ah, a classic topic to discuss!…
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A New Beginning

Ah, my first blog! This absurd idea of mine – of writing a blog, has been haunting me since my school days. But several factors kept me away from writing one. This included my ardent desire to remain unnoticed (call it lack of confidence, shyness or whatever 😅), lack of certainty (of literally everything! What am I supposed to write? Am I capable of convincing others through my blogs? But whom should I write to?…
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